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OPC Data Acquisition

Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1

About Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1
IDE:MS Visual Studio 2017
Appl. Size:11.8 MB (12.386.304)
Creation Date:20-Oct-‎2018 18:09:18
Installer Size:6.70 MB (7.025.823 bytes)
Installer Date‎20-Oct-‎2018 18:43:37

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Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1

Fast Track
What's New in Release 3.0
Feedback and Awards
Download Counters
Download Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1
Safe Use of Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1
Genesis History

Genesis OPC Explorer Setup

Select OPC Server
Manage OPC Groups
Manage Acquired OPC Items
Manage Calculated OPC Items
Load OPC Project
Save OPC Project
Close OPC Project

Data Acquisition and Storage

Start Data Acquisition
Resume Data Acquisition
Stop Data Acquisition
Display Performance Data
Acquisition Data Matrix

OPC Data Listing

Display of OPC Data Listing
Export OPC Data
Export to Clipboard
Toggle Performance Display
Configure Types Color

OPC Data Charting

Display of OPC Data Chart
Set Chart Series Colour
Set Chart Title Options
Manipulate Chart Display
Set Series Selection
Set Chart Axis
Set Chart Legends
Save Chart Image as File
Save Chart Image to Clipboard
Enable Cursor Data
Toggle Server Data Display

Registration and Support

Register Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1
Support of Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1
Register Support of Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1

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      Support TGMDev Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1

Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1 is a free application. However, the development of Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1 is not totally free.

TGMDev supports all costs without any external help ... Upgrade of Development software is no longer a problem as Microsoft Corporation now offers Visual Studio Community free of charge.

Please consider support to TGMDev if you are satified with performance and usability of this application.

Any help will support the cost for
  • New computers
  • OPC Foundation membership
  • Software Librairies
  • Books
  • ....
You can bring your support to the development of TGMDev Web Site through PayPal donations ...

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