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OPC Data Acquisition

Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1

About Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1
IDE:MS Visual Studio 2017
Appl. Size:11.8 MB (12.386.304)
Creation Date:20-Oct-‎2018 18:09:18
Installer Size:6.70 MB (7.025.823 bytes)
Installer Date‎20-Oct-‎2018 18:43:37

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Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1

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Genesis OPC Explorer Setup

Select OPC Server
Manage OPC Groups
Manage Acquired OPC Items
Manage Calculated OPC Items
Load OPC Project
Save OPC Project
Close OPC Project

Data Acquisition and Storage

Start Data Acquisition
Resume Data Acquisition
Stop Data Acquisition
Display Performance Data
Acquisition Data Matrix

OPC Data Listing

Display of OPC Data Listing
Export OPC Data
Export to Clipboard
Toggle Performance Display
Configure Types Color

OPC Data Charting

Display of OPC Data Chart
Set Chart Series Colour
Set Chart Title Options
Manipulate Chart Display
Set Series Selection
Set Chart Axis
Set Chart Legends
Save Chart Image as File
Save Chart Image to Clipboard
Enable Cursor Data
Toggle Server Data Display

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      Configure Genesis Data Types Color

The OPC Data Listing View shows always the following data:
  • OPC Data Id: the Identifier (Id) of the record in the Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1 database.
  • OPC Data Acquisition Time: the Date and Time of actual OPC Data Acquisition
    The format is always the same: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.mmm
  • Acquisition Rate: the actual acquisition rate, that is the time between current and last acquisition
    In normal circumstances, this figure should be equal or near to the minimal acquisition rate
  • Total Acq. Gap: the gap between the calculated time and the actual time for OPC Data acquisition
    Calculated Time is obtained by multiplying the record number by the acquisition time from the OPC Data Acquisition Start
  • Tags Value: the OPC values (according to the Project Setup)

OPC Data Listing View with Coloured Data Type
  • Click on one of the Button 'Data Type Color' in the Ribbon Tab 'OPC Data View' to Open the Color Selection Box

  • Select a color for the different date types
    1. Standard Color: used for OPC acquired data (date, time and OPC data values)
    2. Bad Quality Color: used for the OPC acquired data with Bad Quality Attribute (often bad adressing scheme)
    3. Interpolated Data Color: used for data interpolated between two OPC acquired data (see below for details)
    4. Inactive Group: used for OPC Data belonging to an inactive OPC group (rarely used)
    5. Performance Data Color: used for performance data (Acquisition Rate and Total Acq. Gap)
The Interpolated Data occur when OPC groups with different OPC Acquisition rates are used.

In the case showed above, the first four tags are part of an OPC group with an acquisition rate of 100 milliseconds. The last one belongs to a second OPC group with an acquisition rate of 500 milliseconds
Every 100 ms, an OPC Data acquisition takes place for all the tags of the first group and only one time on five for the last tag. So, to fill the gap between the acquired data of the last tag, the date are interpolated lineary between the acquired data. The interpolated data are displayed in blue (one green followed by 4 blue, to get 5 acquisition rates)
Some combinaisons of OPC acquisition rates could lead to more complex patterns of data interpolation.
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