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OPC Data Acquisition

Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1

About Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1
IDE:MS Visual Studio 2017
Appl. Size:11.8 MB (12.386.304)
Creation Date:20-Oct-‎2018 18:09:18
Installer Size:6.70 MB (7.025.823 bytes)
Installer Date‎20-Oct-‎2018 18:43:37

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Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1

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Genesis OPC Explorer Setup

Select OPC Server
Manage OPC Groups
Manage Acquired OPC Items
Manage Calculated OPC Items
Load OPC Project
Save OPC Project
Close OPC Project

Data Acquisition and Storage

Start Data Acquisition
Resume Data Acquisition
Stop Data Acquisition
Display Performance Data
Acquisition Data Matrix

OPC Data Listing

Display of OPC Data Listing
Export OPC Data
Export to Clipboard
Toggle Performance Display
Configure Types Color

OPC Data Charting

Display of OPC Data Chart
Set Chart Series Colour
Set Chart Title Options
Manipulate Chart Display
Set Series Selection
Set Chart Axis
Set Chart Legends
Save Chart Image as File
Save Chart Image to Clipboard
Enable Cursor Data
Toggle Server Data Display

Registration and Support

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      Display OPC Data Chart

Once the data acquisition is started (see here for details), the icons in the left pane of Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1 main window turn activated.

On click on the button 'OPC Data Charting', Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1 displays the Data Acquisition Chart.

OPC Data Chart View

Click on the different elements (draw in blue in the table below) below to view localization of OPC Data Information.
  • OPC Server Attributes: Server Id, OPC Server Host, Connection Status and Server Status
  • Project Id: Identifier of the current OPC Data acquisition session in the Genesis Database
  • First and Last Acquisition Id: Identifiers of the first and last data of the current OPC data acquisition session
  • First and Last Acquisition Times: Time of the first and last acquisition in the current OPC data acquisition session
  • Number of Acquired Data: Number of OPC Data Acquired so far
  • Chart Main Figures: Data Points on Chart, Aggreagate Size and Data Aggregate
  • Chart Data Selection: Controls used for Start and End Date and Time of Data displayed on Chart
  • Chart and Chart Controls: OPC Data Chart and Buttons for Navigation
  • Real-Time Control: Button to Toggle Real-Time Mode

OPC Data Chart Ribbon

Using the different buttons of the ribbon, you can
  1. Setup of Chart Settings (see here for details)
  2. Setup of Main Chart Options (see here for details)
  3. Selection of Chart Series
  4. Setup Chart Axis (see here for details)
  5. Setup Chart Legend (see here for details)
  6. Export Chart as an Image File or to the Clipboard (see here for details)
  7. Show Chart Main Attributes
  8. Toggle Cursor Data (see here for details)
  9. Show and Hide Server Data (see here for details)
And get such OPC Data Chart View....

OPC Data View with Cursor Data

There is Bug in Genesis OPC Explorer 3.0 !!!
The first digit of the time at cursor position is not displayed. This is corrected in Genesis OPC Explorer 3.1.

Please Download here the latest release of Genesis OPC Explorer

See Also

Set Chart Series Colour
Manipulate Chart Display
Set Series Selection
Set Chart Axis
Set Chart Legends
Save Chart Image as File
Save Chart Image to Clipboard
Enable Cursor Data
Toggle Server Data Display
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