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PhotoRenamer 4.1

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Renaming Mask

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Renaming Photos with PhotoRenamer 4.1
Mask Format Specifications
Edition of Renaming Masks of PhotoRenamer 4.1
Handling of Duplicates
File Extension

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Files Selection
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Keywords Specifications
Keyboard Entries Specification
Picture Counter Specifications

Meta Data

Exif Meta Data
IPTC Meta Data

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Support of PhotoRenamer 4.1

About PhotoRenamer 4.1
Language: Visual C++
IDE:Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
App. Version:4.1
Appl. Size:7.83 MB (8.219.136 bytes)
Creation Date:11-Mar-‎2018 ‏‎19:36:26 (GMT+1)
Link Type:Statically Linked
Installer Size:9.43 MB (9.892.153 bytes)
Installer Date:‎11-Mar-‎2018 19:39:15 (GMT+1)

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PhotoRenamer 4.1 in a Snap

PhotoRenamer 4.1 is a Windows Utility that renames your photos using powerful renaming masks.
Depending on the manufacturer, when you download your photos to your PC, the filenames look like IMG_0160.jpg, DCS014752.jpg, PIC05126.jpg, ... Some systems allow customization, some not ... When you download your pictures on your hard disk, the date and time of the files are the date and time of the shots.

To allow a better management of your favorite pictures, PhotoRenamer 4.1 provides a very easy way to rename your pictures files (on both your computers and your Portable Devices) according to a selected renaming mask. Four default renaming masks are available at startup and you can add up fully customized masks to fit your particular needs.

Mask like %Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S - Street Artist in Vienna renames the file IMG_0160.JPG as 2010-08-24 21-53-48 - Street Artist in Vienna.jpg in a snap. At first glance, mask could look hard to understand but a simple editor makes it really easy to use.

PhotoRenamer 4.0 Screen Overview
PhotoRenamer 4.1 Screen Overview (Art Work from a Street Artist of Vienna)

Furthermore, PhotoRenamer 4.1 can use either the date and time of the photo or the Exif MetaData of the photo to perform the automatic renaming.PhotoRenamer 4.1 also provides a lot of information about the pictures displayed on screen: standard File Data (Name, File Times, Resolution, ..), Exif MetaData and IPTC MetaData (if available).