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PhotoRenamer 4.1

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Help Video: Quick Tour
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Safe Use of PhotoRenamer 4.1
TGMDev PhotoRenamer History

Renaming Mask

Fast Track
Renaming Photos with PhotoRenamer 4.1
Mask Format Specifications
Edition of Renaming Masks of PhotoRenamer 4.1
Handling of Duplicates
File Extension

Files Selection

Fast Track
Files Selection
Help Video

Special Specifications

Fast Track
Keywords Specifications
Keyboard Entries Specification
Picture Counter Specifications

Meta Data

Exif Meta Data
IPTC Meta Data

User Interface

Fast Track
Ribbon Category 'Home'
Ribbon Category 'Photo Rename'
Ribbon Category 'Details'
Ribbon Category 'Options'
Ribbon Category 'View'
Ribbon Category 'Help'

Registering, Feedback and Support

Registering PhotoRenamer 4.1
Feedback about PhotoRenamer 4.1
Support of PhotoRenamer 4.1

About PhotoRenamer 4.1
Language: Visual C++
IDE:Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
App. Version:4.1
Appl. Size:7.83 MB (8.219.136 bytes)
Creation Date:11-Mar-‎2018 ‏‎19:36:26 (GMT+1)
Link Type:Statically Linked
Installer Size:9.43 MB (9.892.153 bytes)
Installer Date:‎11-Mar-‎2018 19:39:15 (GMT+1)

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      PhotoRenamer 4.1 Special Format Specifications in a Snap

PhotoRenamer 4.1 introduces three new special format specifications:
  1. Picture Counter: %C and %Cx

    These format specifications are used to add a picture counter in the new file names, incremented automatically on each photo renaming.

  2. Keyword Selection:%K, %Kx, %KA and %KAx

    These format specifications allow the selection of keyword (or abbreviated keyword) stored in PhotoRenamer 4.1 database

  3. The specifications %K and %KA trigger a dialog box for Keyword Selection

  4. Keyboard Entry: %KI

    This format specification allows a unique and individual entry (typed in from the keyboard) for each photo

  5. This specifications triggers a dialog box for Keyboard Entry. Previous entries can also be reused.

Select items of the menu 'Special Specifications' to get detailed information about these features: Files Counter, Keywords and Keyboard Entries.