Warning: session_start(): Session cannot be started after headers have already been sent in /customers/c/7/b/tgmdev.be/httpd.www/win8shutdown.php on line 13 Windows 8 Utilities: Shutdown for Windows 8
About win8shutdown

Language: Visual C++
Version: 1.0
Size: 1821 Kb
(Statically linked)

 User-Interface Options
 Context Menu
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 Bug Report
 Safe Use of win8shutdown 1.0
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Win8Shutdown 1.0 is a Windows 8 Utility that allows easy and user-friendly shutdown of any computer running Microsoft Windows 8.
This application provides four types of shutdown:
  • Standard Shutdown: this shutdown prepares the computer for a fast restart on Next Reboot.
  • Turn to Sleep Mode: this shutdown turns the computer in sleep mode.
  • Shutdown & Restart: Self explained but still useful when you encounter a nasty problem ....
  • Full Shutdown: this shutdown is quite similar to the Windows 7 shutdown and forces a longer restart on next computer boot.

Windows 8 SHutdown

Additional settings are available to further specify how to shutdown the computer:

1. Shutdown Timeout: this parameter defines the time to start the shutdown process. The timeout can be selected from the dropdown combobox and extends from 0 second to 7 days ...
Note that the timeout parameter is not used when turning to Sleep Mode ...

2. Forced Shutdow: this parameter forces the applications currently running on the computer to be closed without forewarning the user that the computer is starting the shutdown process, whatever the state of the running aplications ( requirements for file saving, ...)
Note that the Forced Shutdown is implied if the timeout is greater than zero...

User-Interface Options

The User-Interface of Win8Shutdown comes in two flavor:

Classical Windows Dialog Box:

Classical Windows Dialog Box

Windows 8 Tiles Dialog Box:

Windows 8 Tiles Dialog Box

The Classical Windows Dialog Box provides the interface to define the additional settings (timeout and forced shutdown)

The switch between the two display types is simply done by clicking the switch button Windows 8 Shutdown Switch Button

Context Menu

Right-clicking the background triggers the context menu.

Win8Shutdown Context Menu
  • Switch to Windows 8 Mode: Display the Windows 8 Tiles to Select the Type of Shutdown to Apply
  • Use Single-Click to Activate Shutdown: A Single Mouse Click on the Windows 8 Tile is enough to initiate the Computer Shutdown
  • Use Double-Click to Activate Shutdown: A Double Mouse Click on the Windows 8 Tile is required to initiate the Computer Shutdown
  • Force Shutdown without Forewarning: The shutdown will be forced even if some applications require some processing before closing
  • About TGMDev Win8Shutdown: Display the About Box

Bug Report

Please report any bug to Thierry.Marneffe@skynet.be

Safe Use of Win8Shutdown 1.0

The TGMDev computers are protected by the latest version of Norton Internet Security. To the best of our knowledge, the application is virus-free. Also, Win8Shutdown 1.0 is garanteed to be spyware-free.

Feedback about Win8Shutdown 1.0


Download Win8Shutdown 1.0

The application Win8Shutdown 1.0 is written according to the standard techniques and recommandations for the development of applications for Windows. The application has been tested extensively to verify its correct behaviour and memory management and to determine its effectiveness on different computers including network-linked computers.

The author makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to this application and not be liable in any event for any direct, incidental or consequential damages, loss of profit or data, interruption of businees arising out of the performance or use of this program, even if the author has been advised to the possibility of such damages.

Download and Use of this software indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function GetUserDownloadInfo(), 4 passed in /customers/c/7/b/tgmdev.be/httpd.www/win8shutdown.php on line 459 and exactly 5 expected in /customers/c/7/b/tgmdev.be/httpd.www/tgmdev.php:460 Stack trace: #0 /customers/c/7/b/tgmdev.be/httpd.www/win8shutdown.php(459): GetUserDownloadInfo('Win8Shutdown', '1.0', 'http://www.tgmd...', false) #1 {main} thrown in /customers/c/7/b/tgmdev.be/httpd.www/tgmdev.php on line 460